Only 53 days away: The 50th Annual Alaska Folk Festival, April 7-13, 2025

We're Collecting Photographs

Historic AFF Photos? We Want Them!

Help us make the best slideshow ever! Your historic photos of past folk fest gatherings are the stuff of legend. If you have images from 1975 to 2024, please use the form below to share them with the festival membership and music fans everywhere.

Please start with your full name and contact phone number. You may upload as many as six photographs at once. Please add any information you think is valuable to the appreciation of your images. File size is limited to 6 MB per image. Not all photographs may be used, but all submissions are appreciated!

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Please provide a phone number if there are questions about your submission.
AFF can only accept photos from those authorized to share them.
AFF can only accept photos from those authorized to allow their use.
Please upload at least one photograph.


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