Only 28 days away: The 50th Annual Alaska Folk Festival, April 7-13, 2025

The Outsiders

Pleasant Lake, MI Featuring: John Hatton, Laura Skovlin, Ellie Sharman, Heidi Kristenson, Chuck Dineen, Judy Lungren, Brian Curtiss, Bruce Shwartz, Terry O’Hara, Genavie Thomas

Old time dance band extraordinaire! Musicians from all over the USA except Juneau!

With caller Julie Whatmough


One Night Stand

Anchorage, AK Featuring: Jim Wolfe, Carol Anne Hogins-Wolfe, Katya Kirsch, Len Feldman

Four friends from Port Townsend and Anchorage playing old time music to swing your partner by.

With caller Guest Caller Suzanne Girardot


The Simple Sugars

Fairbanks, AK Featuring: Aurora Bowers, Christopher Behnke, Heidi Kristenson, Scott Walter, Amanda Simmons, Ryan Bowers

Old time tunes that go straight to your bloodstream.

With caller Brian DeMarcus


Definitely Not The Legs of Jake

Anchorage, AK Featuring: Johnse Ostman, Peter Johnson, George Sleichter, Jason Bent, Jeff Snedgen

Ooh ooh ooh we're going to make a big splish splash!

With caller Tom Paul

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