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Call for 2024 Poster Art

Call for Art: Alaska Folk Festival Seeks Submissions for AFF 49 Poster Artwork

The Alaska Folk Festival seeks submissions for the 2024 (Season 49) poster & merchandise artwork. Artists from Alaska are invited to apply, with a submission deadline of October 1, 2023. Applications will be reviewed by the Folk Festival Board of Directors, and the selected artist’s design will be featured on posters, merchandise, programs, and more for the 2024 festival. The selected artist will be compensated $500.


Sept 1, 2023 -- Call for Art announced
Oct 1, 2023 -- Submissions due to AFF Board
Oct 15, 2023 -- Artist selection announced
Dec 1, 2023 -- Final draft due to AFF Board


All individuals currently living in Alaska are invited to apply. Any visual and 2D media is accepted, with the knowledge that some manipulation may need to be done to the final product for merchandise rendering (see Design Tips for more details).


Applications are due online at

Artists are required to submit:


Final poster art will be required to fulfill the following criteria: While all 2D media are accepted, the AFF Board has found the following design tips most successful for translating to merchandise:
      Flat color preferred, with up to 6 colors used
      Ability to pull out one or two “vignettes” from full artwork to create secondary logos
      Understanding that AFF design team may need to re-size, alter, and digitize your work in order to create successful merchandise

Examples of previous poster art