Only 53 days away: The 50th Annual Alaska Folk Festival, April 7-13, 2025

AFF 2025 Workshop Application

The 50th Annual Alaska Folk Festival workshops are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13, 2025. Workshops begin at 10:30 a.m. each day and continue until 4:30 p.m. Each segment is 90 minutes long. Workshops are scheduled according to space and availability. There is no guarantee that all applicants will lead a workshop. Check the Alaska Folk Festival website at for more information. Completed applications should be received by the Alaska Folk Festival NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 28, 2025. The tentative schedule will be mailed out no later than March 7, 2024. This schedule will be your confirmation of a workshop spot.

Contact Information

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Workshop Information

Please choose a workshop type
What type of workshop is it?

Title of Workshop

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Instructor Name(s)

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Description of Workshop for the Festival Program


Please provide a description of the workshop

Skill level the workshop is designed for:

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Is anything special required for this workshop?


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After you click submit, your information will be recorded and a confirmation will be sent to your email address along with a copy of your workshop application.

Questions or problems? Please contact

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